
Thursday, 11 April 2013

MOTAT Visit by Ngatokorua

On Wednesday, Room 1 students went to the MOTAT on the

bus to learn about transport.  We lined up and walked
to the hall and sat down.

After that Anna talked to us about the activities. First we walked into a room that had old transport cars.

We saw the old cars that didn’t have any engines. My Nana walked with me and Room 1 students around the Motat.

We looked around this old house that had a doll in it.
My Nana saw lots of old transport cars and Room 1 came
with us.

There were lots of people there. We learnt lots of things at the Motat. It was a nice day. Then we went on the tram ride as our last activity.

Finally we got back and walked into the bus and went back to school. We got out off the bus and we saw Glenbrae students going home.

Then my Nana and I walked home.

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