Acrostic poems on Seasons and Natural disasters
WALT: create poems on Seasons and Natural disasters
Success Criteria: I am able to use the various guidelines to write a poem.
E normous
A fter shock
R age
T ectonic plates
H umongous
Q uakes
U nstoppable
H umongous
Q uakes
U nstoppable
A nnoying
K ilometres
E arthquakes
K ilometres
E arthquakes
T hunderly weather
O pen houses
R aining and hailing
N o one is safe
A nybody can get hurt
D amped houses
O ver rated
H eavy wind
U nstoppible
R age
R aining heavily
I nsane weather
C ourageous
A ngry people
N ever ending rain until the hurricane stops
E endless wind
Tropical disaster
S uper waves
U nderneath the water
N o one is safe
A valanche of water
M oving so fast
I nsane water flow
S trong winds
T ragic weather
O pen houses
R oads cracked
M asive clouds
F illing waters in all sideways
L eaking through all alleys
O verflowing rivers and bays
O verflowing streets, stations and houses
D eep riviers
S cared people to go in the water
C ourageous
Y asi cyclone
Caving building
L ong cloud which is strong
O nly on cyclone to destroy something
N ever run outside
E vacuation
S unshine is here
U umbrellas to block the sun
M aking summer crafts
M unching on food at the beach
E ating ice cream
R eflection on the water
A valanche of leaves
U underneath the tree
T rees are bare
U p in the tree changing colour
M igrating
N ight gets longer
W inter is cold
I nside where its warm
N ever hot
T ightly packed snow
E verything is covered in snow
R aining snow
S unny weather
P retty flowers
R oses bloom
I n spring its warm
N ature
G rowing flowers
By Bono
Hi GlenBrae,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Haliano from Panmure Bridge School and I like the picture you have chosen and how you explain what is happening in the picture and what it is called keep the nice work and never give up have nice day too.
it is a cool big tornado and cool place from iki room 8
ReplyDeleteHello and my name is Joshua and I am from St Pius X School in Glen Ines, Auckland.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy reading your Acrostic Poem, it is really interesting and really cool, I like the way how you did alot Acrostic Poems so you get to knwo what a Acrostic Poem is.
I hope you do extra Acrostic poem to suit your Blog.
Hi my name is Telesia and i liked yur photos and poems
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