
Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Story Review, Sam

A Natural Actor By David Hill

A Natural Actor by David Hill is about a boy and a girl. The girl and boy’s  name’s were Tanya and Chad Finlay. Tanya and Chad Finlay were in the hall do a funny act.

Tanya had a rumbling stomach and went to eat a sandwich. She ate two coconut biscuits but she ate it too fast. Then she started to get hiccups.
Tanya finished her act and when she went past Ms. Yee's room, the Rm 18’s teacher said, "Well done on your act Tanya”.

When Tanya was on stage she was licking a lolly fume and start sneezing. Then she started sneezing and everyone in the hall began laughing at their act because it was so funny and that’s how they solved the problem. After that Chad Finlay gave Tanya a huge smile.

I liked this story because it was funny and it was interesting.
Sep 12, 2014 10:06:12 AM.jpg

By Sam Liu

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