Bio Poem
Sporty,artistic and friendly
Lover of having a shower and singing,kung fu and watching tv
Who feels happy when he get gifts and cakes on his birthday
Who wonders if he will have a happy life
Who fears big black biting spiders
Who likes playing his uncle’s guitar
Who is able to run, write, read and play games
Who dreams of a happy life.
By Sam
Bio Poem
Sporty,gamey and musical
Lover of playing games, shopping and going on bus rides
Who feels good when he goes on the bus and the plane because he can look down
Who wonders why god loves us so much
Who fears the passing away of his Nana
Who would like to be the best army officer
Who is able to play play games and sports well
Who dreams of being in the army.
By Ngatokorua
Bio Poem
Sporty, cool and kind
Lover of playing sports, drawing pictures and eating Mc Donalds
Who feels excited when he is going somewhere fun
Who wonders what is inside the walls, a chicken and what is lava made from
Who fears a big tsunami
Who would like to be a famous rugby star when he grows up
Who is able- to play sports well
Who dreams to be a police officer.
By Moses
Bio Poem
Sporty, Musical and Creative
Loves singing with her older sister and eating chinese lollies
Who feel warm when the sun is shining on her
Who wonders how the rainbow shines up in the sky
Who is scared when she is at home by herself in the night
Who would like to travel all around the world
Who is able to run around the field five times
Who dreams to be a singer.
By Matangaro
Bio Poem
Who is sporty, playful and friendly
Likes to play video games and with friends
Lover of swimming, running and eating chocolate
Who feels happy when riding on skateboards
Who wonders about how a rainbow appears
Who fears death
Who would like to be a superhero
Who is able to do work using the netbook.
By Levi
Bio Poem
Sporty, intelligent, gamey
Lover of Star Wars Movies ,Lego Star Wars Games and Mum and Dad
Who feels happy when he swims
Who wonders about heaven
Who fears spiders, monsters, satan, the devil and hell
Who would like a Limo
Who is able to run
Who dreams of cars.
By Karl
Bio Poem
Nice, playful, good boy
Lover of playing games, climbing trees and going to the movies
Who feels awesome when having hot chocolates
Who wonders what job he will have when he grows up
Who fears death
Who would like to have a shield to protect
Who is able to climb up trees.
By Jayden
Bio poem
Sporty, funny and brainy
Lover of chocolate muffins,video games and Kung Fu
Who feels sad when it is raining
Who wonders how life will be
Who fears for his Grandad’s life
Who would like to be a Fisherman.
By Fineasi
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